Veronica Cretu is President of the “CMB” Training Center, Moldova
Her background is in Diplomacy and IT, with Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies of Malta.
Mrs. Cretu is an active member of several international and national important committees and boards:
in April 2013, Mrs. Cretu has been elected as civil society Steering Committee Member of the Open Government Partnership. She is currently a member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group to the Internet Governance Forum, an UN structure. Veronica is also a member of the Nominating Committee of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbering (ICANN).
Nationally, Veronica is a Coordinator of a civil society working group on E-Government/Open Government within the National Participation Council. She is also a member of Civil Society Consultative Group of UN Women in Moldova, and member of the collegium of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication.
Veronica worked as international consultant in Education in Liberia (West Africa), Turkey and Nepal.
She worked as a consultant for the World Bank, as part of Open Innovation for Moldova initiative, in which she played an active role in mobilizing civil society participation on consultations around Open Government Action Plan of Moldova. She is currently coordinating the preparation process for the elaboration of the Action Plan on Open Government for the years 2014-2015 in coordination with key important stakeholders.
Veronica’s key areas of expertise include: ICT4D, Internet Governance, Communities of Practice, Open Government, Critical Thinking Methodology, Curriculum Development, Trainer of Trainers, Monitoring and Evaluation, Organizational Development.