Alfredo Viglienzoni is Deputy General Director for the Genova Municipality. He is also responsible for all Technology and Innovation activities, including all ICT services. He serves also as EVP of the Genova Smart City Association.
Till the end of 2018, Alfredo was SVP of Business Development and Emerging Markets BU at Skorpios Technologies, Austin, TX and Albuquerque, NM. He joined Skorpios in January 2014 as SVP Sales, Marketing and Business Development.
Before joining Skorpios Alfredo was Head of Business Development for the IP and Broadband Unit at Ericsson.
His main objective was to ensure IP and Broadband commercial and technical leadership, including the identification of novel and disruptive technologies as well as innovative companies to create successful ecosystems.
Previously he was Head of the $1.2B Optical Network Business Unit within Ericsson at sites in Sweden, Norway, UK, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, USA. He was responsible for the complete optical portfolio P&L, product and technology strategy, full ownership of both research and development activities.
He was Head of Photonics for Ericsson at sites in the UK, Italy and Germany. He developed the first MultiHaul photonic platform that has been deployed by numerous customers for Core and Metro applications and ensured sizeable market share growth.
After a degree in Physics, his career began with a post doc and visiting scientist position at CERN, Geneva, followed by R&D activities in solid-state physics and material science, then electronics, digital imaging and network enabling technologies at University of Genova and 3M Corp.
This was followed by business development and technical management positions for 3M Corp in Europe and USA. In the USA, he led the technical development of a novel medical laser imaging system, played a key role in the development of the foundations of digital radiography technologies.
He was then with Pirelli then Cisco, where he was head of project management, planning and control for the whole optical portfolio from optical components like lasers, modulators and fibers, to subsystems like optical amplifies to terrestrial and submarine systems.
He holds more than patents. He has published about 100 papers on innovation and business management, material science and telecommunications, smart cities.
In 2005, he was among the founders of the European Technology Platform Photonics21 where he served as VP and Chair of the ICT work group till the end of 2013, when he moved to the USA to join Skorpios Technologies.
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